Even thought you were definitely sure you've madly fell in love with her and told her sincerely that you loved her pretty much and then you got together, she maybe is not the real Mrs. Right in the future
一战停火的11月11日在英国被立为国殇日(Remembrance Day)费若拉每年这个时候都能看到人人佩戴一种名叫 corn poppy 的小花纪念片中这些不再变老的将士第一次世界大战真是打得有点糊里糊涂大国之间意气用事结果导致一千多万人的战死和两千多万人的伤残真希望彼得·杰克逊用史料还原的人间炼狱能给摩擦不断升级的 super powers 敲响警钟
Christian Bale is very good in this. I want to punch him in the face.