God damn, a really good movie but also it’s one of those eating disorder provoking things that snap right on my big fat face. You are born a girl or a boy, just like you are born fat or skinny, nothing in between. If you ever want to change the natural form of your body well good luck, it will be long and painful.
满怀期待的打开这部嬉水浴室的传记片但是看完后大失所望剧情太过着重乐队有争议的一面整个过程似乎就是吉姆的自我毁灭过程奥利弗斯通把吉姆莫里森塑造成一个自负、愤怒、敏感、反政府、蔑视一切的二逼不说对于几场演唱会的再现也没有任何积极的画面看完之后唯有那曲light my fire萦绕耳边